I love mehndi. The mehndi party for the bride is both exciting and nerve-wracking. Sitting still for several hours while wedding planning is in the final stages is hard for any bride. But no one can resist the beautiful dark red and red-blacks that henna produces on the bride’s hands and feet. Waiting is worth every minute!
Typically there are two types of styles, Arabic and Indian. Arabic henna is full of flowers and curves and bigger motifs. Indian mehndi has fine lines, symmetrical patterns, and is full of peacocks (moor), mangos (aam), and groom (bhaarat) motifs.
Take a look at these wonderful photos to get an idea of what you would like to have for your mehndi. This helps the henna artist create the right look for your wedding day. If you are having a mehndi party for all your female friends and family, also think about a theme and colors. You can always opt for delicious henna decorated cookies to satisfy everyone’s colorful tastes.
Dulha dulhan mehndi for Ritisha by Darcy Vasudev

I love the moor (peacock) designs and more floral patterns.
Can we discuss the last picture and her RRRRRIIIIINNNNGGG?! Holy Engagement Ring Batman!