Designer Raghavendra Rathore brought out his classic style in full force at the Mumbai bridal show at Aamby Valley this week.
Known for his Bandhgala, an Indo-Western Jodhpuri suit jacket, Mr. Rathore had not just the male models sporting them, but the female models too.
And who knew that women could be that sexy in an Indian jacket? Dia Mirza made wearing a bandgala look effortless and regal. I loved the bright, pink magenta ruched skirt paired with the black jacket. Now, that’s my kind of girl.
Overall, Mr. Rathore brought us something refreshing to the traditional bridal saris and lenghas. His ability to emphasize traditional weaving and textiles arts of India, yet still feel 21st century, will allow us to cherish our heritage for years to come.
Certain photographs courtesy of Kabir Photography.