Hi All,
Big Fat Indian Wedding’s resident pop culture aficionado here. My love affair with pop culture began shortly after birth, when I realized the television would be my true role model and teacher. I often say I learned everything I need to know from The Simpsons, and that even includes Indian weddings, thank you very much!
Growing up in Suburbia, USA, I was never exposed to anything more exotic than Chinese take-out (which is still the most exotic thing my parents will ever eat), so I’ve spent the greater part of my adult life learning about other parts of the world and putting myself in debt trying to get there. One of these places is France. Less ashamedly, my whole reason for going to grad school was for my Japanese. Except I’m not one of those creepy otaku you see at Comic-Con.
My role on this site will be to bring you stories about Indian culture and weddings from the entertainment world and beyond. My relevant skills and qualifications include (that’s a line I use in my cover letters): having read an abridged translation of a translation of the Mahabharata; once attending a garba; having a drunken fondle in the woods at a friend’s wedding; occasionally photographing people’s weddings; owning a text-only copy of the Kama Sutra; and watching copious amounts of trash television. So consider all bases covered!
As the person least likely to ever get married on this site, I say to you, “Welcome!”
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