Well Hello,
I’m currently freezing in Sweden dreaming of warm, sunny weather that is somewhere other than here. That, with my ongoing sugar issue, has brought me onto the subject of tropical-themed weddings…and the food that goes along with them.
I don’t like cupcakes as much as I love cookies, but give me sugar and I’m usually satisfied for the next hour. I have a problem, I know. My boyfriend is probably looking for a Sugar Addicts Anonymous meeting for me right now…and intervention is coming. I feel it.
Regardless of my sugar problem, there are things that cakes…or in this case, little cakes known as cupcakes, can do that cookies simply cannot. What is that exactly?
They can make you feel like you’re eating the beach, sea shells, or some poisonous tropical flower that if you ate in real life would probably make you swell up like a balloon. Good story to tell the grandchildren, eh? But cupcakes taste better than beaches, shells, and poisonous flowers.
Plus, anything made out of royal icing, gum paste, and fondant is usually really, really cool. They’re always a crowd pleaser, and this is moderately important for weddings…coming from the ‘I’ve only ever been a guest at a wedding’ perspective.

This is exactly what I needed sitting here in cold, cold Sweden (It’s probably 1. dark. 2. snowing. 3. raining. 4. windy. 5. all of the above right now. Pray for me.) Trust me, I’d rather be eating a tropical cupcake at your wedding than biking through snow.
Fun Fact: The cute cupcake people are actually my stepsister and her husband from their wedding last June. Wee! Aren’t they cute!?
<3 CWG