We often incorporate animals at our wedding. Be they pets, farm animals, or inanimate displays, animals make their ways in so many weddings, Indian, American, and otherwise.
Indian weddings are full of symbolism. It could possibly be a scholar’s World Series to attend an Indian wedding and understand the symbols and allusions we incorporate.
Elephant – The elephant is often represented through Lord Ganesha, the god of wisdom. Hindus pray to him first in any ceremony as he is the remover of obstacles and the creator of knowledge. In weddings, people want all bad omens or misgivings to disappear and by praying to Ganapathi and also having his statue at the entrances of buildings, he removes them.
White Horse – The white horse is traditionally what a groom would arrive on with his bhaarat at the beginning of the wedding. A female white horse is symbolic of pureness, practicality, and love.
Doves – Though not commonly used in a Hindu wedding, doves are a symbol of peace and eternal love. Dating from the Greek time, the dove was a sacred creature to Aphrodite.
Peacocks – Like doves, peacocks are not commonly incorporated directly into weddings, but you may see them with the goddess Laxshmi. Peacocks in both eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddism as well as western religions, Christianity and pre-Christian are enduring creatures of immortality and integrity.
If you cannot have a real elephant or dove at your wedding, there are many ways to symbolically welcome them. Invitations, programs, or even small statues can make your wedding unique and beautiful.
I love this website! and your banner is cool, I just wish the girl had BROWN eyes and didn’t have PINK skin. Why make her look so, um, western?