Today is leap day! Obviously, something special needs to happen. So, I have something super duper cool for you all today.
A giveaway!
Really awesome contest actually. To celebrate that The BFIW has 5,000 fans on Facebook, I am doing a contest with Luxemi.
And Luxemi is super nice and donating the LBD, Little Black Dress, of saris to a lucky winner!
First, what’s Luxemi?
They’re a cool company in the US that works with borrowing or buying Indian clothes and jewelry. If you want something cool in your warddrobe but don’t want to spend the money, you can rent an outfit. And if you’re looking to shop, well, you can do that too.
Second, tell me about this sari!
This sari is a geogette piece with butta work. It comes with the blouse piece and the petticoat that you can stitch.
The shoulder has a lovely floral butta embroidery design.
It’s worth $358 and is beautiful find! You can read more about the sari, here.
The front with the shoulder design
Third, how do I win this fabulous sari?!
Easy peasy, you need to follow the THREE rules below:
1. “Like” Luxemi on Facebook.
2. “Like” The Big Fat Indian Wedding on Facebook.
3. Write a comment on this post that finishes this sentence: “Little Black Saris are ….”
And that’s it! You’re entered into the contest.
We’ll pick the best/funny/great/awesome answer on March 20th.
PS – This content is available to people living in the United States because of shipping reasons. Sorry ladies, we’ll make sure to cover everyone across the world another time! <3
Join Luxemi on the web:
Website Shop and rent your heart out
Facebook (luxemifans)
Twitter (@luxemi)
Pinterest (luxemi)
Youtube (luxemifashion)
The Luxe Report
Little black saris are to whoo your man!! i already did!
Little black saris are perfect for any special occasion.
Little black saris are great to wear for special occasions like my first wedding anniversary dinner next year 😉 getting married on 9-16-12!
Little Black Saris are sexy and always in style!
Little black saris are provocative and of pure elegance.
Black makes me look elegant and makes my feel good and happy,about myself as a women…….
This one is a true beauty to have….
Little Black Saris are evergreen & timeless in a women’s wardrobe.
Like they say- “When in doubt, always wear black !”
Little Black Saris are the Breakfast at Tiffany’s of any elegant occasion!
Little black saris make you feel sexy at any size/age!
Little Black Saris are always elegant and classy!
Little black saris are elegant and I would wear one on my 29th wedding anniversary
A must have look for every beautiful woman!
Little Black Saris are what I want!
Little black saris remind me of my wedding day when I wore a black sari that made me feel unique and sexy for the most important day of my life. Now my kids look at that and say that you’s Momma! I can’t believe it either, 11 years later.
Little Black Saris are forever young and never out of style ! 😀
Little Black Saris are elegantly designed,
Little Black Saris are beauty personified.
If in a doubt to wear what, grab the Little Black Sari,
step out in style and don’t forget to wear your smile! 🙂
Gorgeous Sari my favourite shade …i already picture myself in this
Little black saris are so beautiful, honestly words can’t describe just how much!