Design Manish Malhotra took the audience on a walk through a century of Bollywood fashion at his spring collection show this past weekend. At the show, he showcased everything from the 1930s black and white embroidered ornate look to the 1980s obsession with polka dots.
We picked out our favorite pieces from his collection that could be a piece at one of your wedding events or even as a guest.
Black and White – Though black and white isn’t a traditional combination for weddings, it is certainly in style for weddings this year. Perhaps unsuited as a bridal outfit, unless you’re looking for offbeat, but think of it for a sangeet or a reception dinner piece. You could even turn a reception dinner into a black tie event, and voilà, your piece is perfect.
Pastels – Soft peony pinks to dusky lilacs, Malhotra captured the essence of feminine beauty with soft, sweet colors. Anyone can rock this outfit for a party or pooja and still be fashionable.
Neon– For something colorful with pizazz go with neon. Priyanka Chopra’s neon green sari with orange trim will make anyone smile and laugh.