This summer, I had the chance to visit the recently set up Olivier Laudus Boutique in London and meet with Sangeeta, who helps run her husband Olivier’s wedding accessory boutique. Despite the rainy weather, the boutique and the conversation was cheery and delightful.
Photo Courtesy of Olivier Laudus
Olivier Laudus began in 2004, when Olivier and Sangeeta were about to get married. They wanted some ring cushions to hold their wedding bands during the ceremony but couldn’t find the exact piece to fit their tastes. After designing their own and stunning their guests with it, Olivier decided to open his own shop selling carefully designed, but still affordable, wedding accessories. The famous ring cushion is still a part of The Olivier Laudus Signature Collection!
The boutique expanded from online only to a booth in a hair salon to a small room right below it. Interestingly, the small size of the boutique gave it an intimate feel. Everything was carefully placed and eye-catching pieces were displayed in curios to properly catch the light. It felt like a private display of glitz and glamour – which definitely bodes well with customers.
Photo Courtesy of Olivier Laudus
Since the boutique is still growing, most of the accessories are sold online. However, Olivier and Sangeeta do offer in-person consultations in London. This process involves speaking with the designer and trying on the beautiful range of products they have in the boutique store before deciding on what to buy.
Brides are able to get a more personal touch by consulting with Olivier Laudus, where they can customize their dream wedding. Because Olivier Laudus himself draws many designs and works directly with the source of the products, brides can even make requests or adjustments.
I had some fun trying on some of Olivier Laudus’ designs myself!
The boutique store currently features ring cushions, hair pins, hair combs, tiaras, and a row of gorgeous, lace veils for customers to try on for themselves.
The latest display at the Olivier Laudus Boutique.
Sangeeta also spoke with me about current and future accessory trends that the wedding industry is noting. Most commonly, brides tend to go for the traditional, elegant style for their weddings. They prefer white/silver combinations, although Sangeeta understands that South Asian brides prefer gold. She plans on introducing more gold-toned pieces in the near future, as she notes that many fusion weddings today also have Indian elements.
A few gold-toned hair pieces and bracelets from the Olivier Laudus Collection.
This traditional trend is a throwback to the 1920s, where fringe and feathers were popular. Some of Olivier Laudus’ most popular pieces include feathered headbands and hair pieces. They serve as alternative to veils and perhaps even complement some non-traditional wedding choices – such as a short wedding dress.
A 1920s-style hair piece from Olivier Laudus’ Corinthia photoshoot.
Lace still tends to be a popular choice for many brides, and knowing how expensive the fabric can be, Olivier Laudus offers a competitive price on their lacy veils by partnering with specific designers, using tulle or substitutes. Brides can now choose to buy the veil separately from their wedding dress – saving them money and allowing them to customize their looks.
Lacy and lace-bordered veils on display at Olivier Laudus’ London boutique.
I was impressed by Olivier Laudus commitment to personalization and quality. Their imitation diamond jewelry comes in so many different patterns, and it’s nearly impossible to tell one apart from the real thing! The concept of affordably luxury is one that the market needs to get ahead of – just as Olivier Laudus has.
I expect Olivier Laudus to continue impressing brides with their gorgeous, yet affordable wedding accessory designs in the future – and I look forward to how they accommodate more South Asian brides and fusion weddings with different variations of their designs!
You can learn more about Olivier Laudus at or @OlivierLaudus.