Growing up in America, I may have lost out on some elements of the South Asian culture, but I love my Frooti as much as any resident Indian. As an ode to summer, we’re sharing a list of our favorite childhood desi snacks.
Warning: the images that proceed may directly lead to excessive hunger and salivation.
1. Frooti
Image Courtesy: Core Comminique
Yes, Frooti, you are indeed “fresh and juicy.” Nothing could quench your thirst following a samosa better than Frooti’s mango-ey goodness.
2. Hajmola
Image Courtesy: Amazon
Move over warheads, consuming these sour tasting “digestive tablets” was the easiest way to make funny faces!
3. Maggi
Image Courtesy: Spoon University
Before the reports of possible poisonous elements, this childhood staple truly proved that “happiness is homemade” in under two minutes. Sigh, we’ll miss you lead-ridden maggi.
4. Parle-G Biscuits
Image courtesy: Namaste Plaza
In my husband’s family, our niece and nephew lovingly refer to these as fob cookies. I have fond memories of my mother feeding me a biscuit lightly dunked in a warm cup of chai. Mmmmm.
5. Rooh Afzah (Rose Syrup)
Image Courtesy: Asian Food Centre
Frooti may have held a special spot in our hearts, but a cold glass of Rooh Afzah mixed in milk or water was on another level entirely. This Ramadan staple was a prized commodity at every iftaar. Was anyone else guilty of the pink milk-mustache post-iftaaring as a child?
6. Kurkure
Image Courtesy: Nidhi Varshneya’s Blog
These aren’t your garden variety corn puffs. Nope, these Juhi-approved snacks came in a number of flavors, including my favorite: Chili Chatka.
7. Lay’s Masala Chips
Image Courtesy: Namaste Plaza
Why anyone would prefer a plain-old, bag of Lay’s to the masala version is beyond my level of comprehension. Plain Lay’s are so basic.
8. Muruku
While the twisted shape is reminiscent of Jalebi, these savory snacks provided the right level of crunchy satisfaction. I could never fit an entire one in my mouth though. I will one day… #lifegoals.
9. Tea Rusks
Image Courtesy: Khana Pakana
I never really enjoyed these as a kid, but it was almost “cool” to be seen dunking a rusk in a cup of chai. It was like you were a semi-adult who was sophisticated and responsible enough to handle hot beverages and eat rusk without supervision.
10. Thums Up
Image Courtesy: Namaste Plaza
Does anyone else remember eyeing the glass bottle Thums Up in the Indian grocery store? Sigh, Thums up tasted so much better than coke.
11. Bhujia/Bhel/Moong Dal Mixtures
Image Courtesy: Amazon
With the variety of “namkeen” mixtures out there, it was hard to choose just one! My philosophy as a child was “got to catch them all” or cry until your mother picks one bag from the ten you stole off the shelf.
12. Soan Papdi
Image Courtesy: Khana Pakana
This flaky, melt-in-your-mouth goodness was the perfect sweet snack. As a kid, it totally reminded me of the freeze-dried ice cream astronauts would eat. As an adult, I stare at the empty box and wonder how I ate it all.
We hope you enjoyed this trip down food-coma, memory lane! Did we miss any your favorite childhood desi snacks? Sound off in the comments below.