Cricketer Dinesh Karthik and squash star Dipika Pallikal tied the knot in a Telugu Hindu ceremony in Chennai (Madras), India. They had a private wedding with family and close friends.
They had a church wedding on August 18th at the Leela Palace Chennai. A classic white wedding dress and smoking tux with English garden flowers tied it all together.
To make a it doubleheader (harhar, don’t know cricket lingo, just baseball!), they had a Telugu Hindu wedding on August 20th. Dipika wore a mango yellow silk saree and Dinesh donned a beige gold kurta.
Her wedding jewelry was refreshingly understated and delicate.
Rakesh Prakash Photography, Chennai captured their celebrity wedding!
Who doesn’t love a wedding reception sparkler sendoff?
Thanks Rakesh for sharing these photos. Visit his facebook page at Rakesh Prakash Photography.