Bollywood heartthrob Shahid Kapoor broke hearts recently when his marriage to young, Delhi college graduate Mira Rajput was announced. The Punjabi couple met via a religious group, Radha Soami Satsang Beas, in which both their families enjoy membership. They fell in love despite a pretty hefty age gap of 12 years – Mira’s only 22 while Shahid’s 34.
Photo via Hindustan Times
The couple enjoyed an intimate ceremony with close friends and family on July 7th at a Chhatarpur farmhouse on the outskirts of Delhi. The ceremony was believed to be Sikh, as Sikh priests were present and the Anand Karaj was performed.
Photo via Indian Express
Before the ceremony, the couple enjoyed a fun sangeet and mehndi, where they danced to Bollywood songs (some which had famously featured Shahid’s dance moves). Mira wore a beautiful yellow Anamika Khanna lehenga for the sangeet, featuring lots of shimmery patterns. She shared an adorable dance with the groom, who looked dashing as always in a red kurta.
The reception immediately following was held at the luxury Oberoi Hotel Gurgaon, which also provided a large, 2-bedroom presidential suite for the couple.
Photo via Indian Express
Photo via Indian Express
The cake was designed by Firefly India, a New Delhi based French bakery. It’s a beautiful display of white, teal, and gold.
Photo via @indearweddings
Bollywood guests were rare, as Shahid and Mira plan to celebrate in a star-studded reception in Mumbai on July 12th. However, Shahid’s accomplished actor father Pankaj Kapoor and stepmother Supriya Pathak were present and actively involved in the wedding rituals.
Photo via Indian Express
Mira Rajput’s already gained style points thanks to photos of her in a light pink Anamika Khanna gown, worn at the Delhi reception. She accessorized it perfectly with a pearl tikka and gold jhumar, along with colorful statement jewelry.
While he kept with custom and wore a turban for the ceremony, Shahid wore a sharp, white sherwani designed by his good friend Kunal Rawal to the reception.
Photo via Hindustan Times
Photo via Indian Express
Oh, and Mira’s smoky glow makeup look is on point as well. The accomplished Mallika Bhatt did her makeup for the reception. Bhatt is a celebrity favorite makeup artist, with clients such as Shahid’s ex, Kareena Kapoor.
Photo via Instagram
The stylish couple managed to keep the details of wedding planning under wraps before the big day, but we’re so glad there’s plenty of pictures and details to oogle over.
On Sunday, July 12, Shahid and Mira celebrated in a bigger, Bollywood way with a Mumbai wedding reception hosted at the Palladium Hotel.
Photo via Instagram @wedmegood
Mira looked stunning in a Manish Malhotra lehenga, and Shahid wore a crisp black tuxedo.
Photo via Instagram @ks_designss
Mallika Bhat did her makeup for the star-studded event as well.
Photo via Instagram @mallika_bhat
This time, celebrities were present to help the couple celebrate their new union. Amitabh Bachchan, Alia Bhatt, Arjun Kapoor, and Ranveer Singh were some of the many big names in Bollywood that attended the reception.
Photos via Instagram @bollywoodbucket
Stay tuned for more updates on this happy, fabulous couple!