Last year, we offered a guide for brides about all things bridesmaid. Today, we are bringing you eight ways to “propose” to your bridesmaid, or in simpler terms: how to ask your bridesmaid to be in your wedding. Lately, asking your friends to be your bridesmaid has turned into quite the affair,
1. The traditional invitation
These adorable ones by Innovative Goodies on Etsy. The tiny blue bow just makes it complete, don’t you think? Use them to accompany a small token, such as a trinket to remind you of a certain memory you two have together.
2. Something nostalgic
I love the idea of getting ring pops in your future bridesmaids’ favorite flavors and proposing just like you were back in elementary school playing “wedding” on the playground.
3. A “will you be my bridesmaid?” tumbler
Brides aren’t the only ones who want to get in shape for the wedding am I right? These tumblers from Annie Girl Designs are perfect for running to the gym and beyond! I could see these earning a spot in many a future bridesmaid’s car.
4. Charitable love
Make a donation to your bridesmaids’ favorite charities and ask them to be in your wedding with a cute greeting card. Your dog loving friend can’t say no right?! I would personally love it if a friend who asked me to be a bridesmaid donated to the animal rescue my boyfriend and I got our dog!
5. Whimsical and food-oriented
This fortune cookie bridesmaid proposal from Etsy seller Petite25 is so simple and easy! You could even personalize it to a little saying unique to your future bridesmaid and you. This is a great idea if your friend and you ordered Chinese takeout all the time in college (or still do now!). Paying homage to a tradition of yours is a great way to ask about being your bridesmaid.
6. A simple side-by-side picture frame
Look through your old Facebook albums and find the oldest photo you can find then grab another that’s more recent. Head to Target or Amazon and grab a 2-picture side-by-side frame. You could even get fancy and hand paint it, or add some glitter for a little bling.
7. Bridesmaids’ survival kit
You can always jump the gun and assume that your friend will already want to be your bridesmaid. There’s all these bridal survival kits out there, why not give some love to the bridesmaids? You can include some snacks, ibuprofen, handiwipes, or anything you think is best. Trust us, your future bridesmaid will thank you.
8. Skype call
Many future brides who read The Big Fat Indian Wedding may not be able to ask their favorite ladies in person. Instead, try and schedule a Skype call but don’t let on why you’re calling. Before you call, grab some poster board and write “Will You Be My Bridesmaid?” Love Actually style! I’m smiling just thinking about how cute this could turn out.
Looking for more ideas and inspiration? Check out these essential questions for every bride to ask her caterer, these 31 fabulous bridal eye makeup looks or any one of our featured South Asian Weddings.