Harper’s Bazaar Bride India for the new year 2015 featured glitz and glam. A fashion editorial depicting a 1970s wedding cocktail theme, a sort of sangeet. Channeling the spirit of the Studio 54 partygoers and very tall and slender models, sheer dresses and low cut necklines won’t stop these brides and bridesmaids!
Loved the looks, but just cannot see most of us pedestrian women wearing them. Perhaps something a little less Golden Girls and a little more Silver Girls?
Feature: Golden Girls
Photographer: Charudutt Chitrak
Stylist: Sohiny Das
Hair and make-up: Shallu Chandla
Models: Lakshmi Rana, Sonalika Sahay, Mariia Trush, Ten Zin Dolma
Fashion assistant: Sylvia Ngairangbam
Production design: Glitz Models & Productions