When you get married, your new domain is going to be shared. All those mismatched glasses and bowls, random towels, and boxes of cables are marrying your spouse’s home.
Oh my.
Your ENTIRE HOME is going to grow exponentially in STUFF. Good stuff, bad stuff, weird stuff. Lots of stuff. And in all this stuff, and all those arguments over a leopard print office chair, you will wonder, “where the heck is space for me?!”
Grooms reading this, give yourself a man cave. It’s a place for you to unwind, to escape, to listen to that music your spouse hates.
Best Buy created the ultimate man cave and she shed. You and your wife wouldn’t be happier. And what you find in the man cave isn’t reserved just for the man, your woman can have the goodies too.
The man cave plays on using an old basement and making it a little more “man-tastic.” A burly sofa, a vegan rug, craft beers, and a little musky scent. Have a sanctuary of your own, or date night with your wife. A man cave isn’t just for the man, it’s a place for him to retreat with his sweetie.
There are two things a man cave cannot do without:
A giant flat screen HD curved tv like the Samsung 65”.
Or an keyless entry system. Let your friends in, lock your wife out. Just kidding. Or maybe lock the family out for an evening with the special someone.
Whatever you do, get modern accoutrements to create a stylish and updated version of the “boys room.”
Disclaimer: We have been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card for this review.