Celeb wedding photographer Ram Bherwani captured the latest Bollywood wedding with Anushka Rajan & Abhishek Doshi. The #NushkisDoshii affair was full of the Bollywood patriarchy of the Bachchan family and other friends.
Taking place at the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi, UAE, the Hindu wedding had large lush green arches with magenta flowers dripping through the mandap backdrop.
Anushka was a classic Sabyasachi bride in a floral motif wedding lehenga.
The groom and groomsmen wore pastel floral turbans to match their mint green, pink and cream sherwanis – all by Sabyasachi.
Click to see all the Bollywood weddings of 2017!
{Wedding Vendors}
Photography & Videography: Ram Bherwani Productions, Mumbai, India
Décor: Cherry On Top, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
F&B: Foodlink (Mumbai) & Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Entertainment: Ustad Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
Outfits: Sabyasachi Mukherjee (Wedding), Ziad Nakad (Cocktail and Reception)
Wedding Planning & Management: Aditya Motwane, Motwane Entertainment & Weddings, Mumbai, India