Aircel, one of India’s leading telecom players, hosted a fashion evening as an extension of its tiger conservation initiative Aircel ‘Save Our Tigers’. The ramp at the Lakme Fashion Week was transformed into a jungle where the tigers roared loud and fearless.
The tiger has lost 93% of its population over the past century. Deforestation, poaching, and encroachment, has left the king of the jungle a mere jack rabbit. There are less than 3,200 tigers left in the world, of which around 1,900 live in India.
To help support and reinforce the survival of tigers, Aircel and the WWF are working together. Through children’s outreach education, fundraising, and superior scientific tracking, they are improving the tigers habitat.
To raise awareness for India’s beloved, Aircel sponsored a special fashion show at Lakme Fashion Week.
The show styled by Aki Narula, witnessed Bollywood actress Neha Dhupia walking down the ramp with other models who wore the garments inspired by the tiger. 189 designers sent in 300 garments out of which 40 were shortlisted to be showcased including Kallol Datta, Nachiket Barve, Arjun Khanna, Swapnil Shinde, Rocky S, Satya Paul and more.
The three best garments were chosen and awarded with a cash prize while the rest will be retailed with the proceeds going towards tiger conservation.
Brinda Mallhotra, Head-CSR, Aircel, said,
“Tigers today, are among the ten most endangered species in the world and need active protection. As part of our ‘Save our Tigers’ initiative, we have taken various measures towards tiger conservation and have been working closely with bodies like WWF-India, the Wildlife Trust of India, Wildlife Conservation Trust and many other independent NGOs. We have also started ‘Kids for Tiger’ program as an extension to the initiative, where we have educated over a million children on environment and tiger conservation in the last two years.”
I hope these beautiful outfits inspire you to save our tigers too.
Kallol Datta
Satya Paul
Priyanka Khanna
Sneha Arora
Sandeep & Ravi
Yogesh Singh Rathore
Saurabh Singh
Shriti Pratap
Shikha & Vinita
Purvi Doshi
Soma Nath
Artivijay Gupta
Swapnil Shinde
Sougat Paul
Roli & Saurabh
Jatin Varma
Renuka Jaypal, National Brand Head, Aircel, added, “Aircel ‘Save Our Tigers – Fashion for a Cause’ is a unique collaboration between environment & fashion and will help us reach out to a wider audience for creating awareness on our Tiger conservation initiative.”
If you would like to learn more or help, please visit the World Wildlife Fund. Save the tigers for our children’s generation.