Pakistan couture designer Nomi Ansari brought to life his Rang Barsay and Rang Mahal collections to the runway in 2013 and 2014. But year, we got a glimpse of this exquisite collection through a styled shoot.
Bursts of color, the delicate architecture of the shararas, and the leisure of life make this wedding collection heavenly.
“Beads, colour, and lots of gold dust. You reflect how you feel, and in his gorgeous piece, one feels nothing less than ethereal.”
“Think ‘Stardust’ when you see some of our womens-wear in this collection. Among the colours, there is shimmer, glitz and glam.”
“Traditional hues and tones are maintained in our new collection to keep the past alive in a modern sense.”
I’d love to twirl all day in these clothes!
Hair & make up: SABS SALON
Art direction: PRODUCTION 021
Photograph : AYAZ ANIS