Anju Modi brings her Manikarnika bridal collection to Lakme Fashion Week. We already saw the debut of wedding outfits at India Couture Week but this time we get to see more details of the dresses.
The historic paintings from the caves of Ajanta and Ellora along with Khajuraho sculptures served as the base of Anju inspiration for her Mahikarnika wedding dress collection.
The color palette was earthy; sepia, sand and old rose adorned the models. Inter-speckled were rich jewel shades of burgundy, ruby and emeralds for the men’s and women’s wear.
Long sleeve cholis carried throughout the collection with asymmetric closures and funky necklines.
Instead of traditional bauble strings for tying the blousing, metal carriages, almost Cinderella like, hung from the backline.
When it came to wedding wear for men, the floor length earth tone angarkhas with heavily embellished velvet shawls and dhotis were paired with kurtas under embroidered bundgalas.
A ruby red velvet smoking jacket was shown with a stylish tunic and dhoti, sherwanis with slim trousers, an interesting long sleeved waistcoat jacket and two button textured dark ochre suit added variety to men’s wear.
Ending the show was the beautiful Jacqueline Fernandez wearing a magnificent, glittering lehenga; fully embroidered long sleeved choli and white net dupatta.
Hard not to fall in love with these beautiful wedding dresses. Everything Anju touches turns to beauty.