Last year at the PCJ fashion week in Delhi, designer Ritu Beri unveiled an offbeat, colorfully wild collection. She called it the Rock ‘n Roll Punjabi Bride dress collection.
Inspired by bright colors, lots of ruffles and layers, Venetian masks her bridal collection is definitely for someone not afraid of making a statement. Beri’s work is a little like Alexander McQueen; non-conformist, edgy, and futuristic.
Most bridal dresses in the collection wear hoop skirts to give that big voluminous look.
Some of the outfits are jacket friendly, much like Raghavendra Rathore’s bridal collection at Aamby Valley.
Ritu Beri also deconstructs the sari into multi-pleating, softer layers, but more geometric intricacies.
Check out the gallery for the rest of Ritu Beri’s beautiful collection!
Photos courtesy of Fashion Design Council of India.