In the epic Mahabharata, Yagyaseni, also known as Draupadi, is a strong, warrior woman capable of overcoming both physical and emotional hardships to prove herself. Contemporary fashion designer Vasundhara Mantri took to the Lakme stage on March 19th to pay homage to this incredible feminist role model by incorporate the elements of a warrior goddess’s attire with bold, sophisiticated fabrics.
The collection is heavily gold and black, featuring thick jute fabric contrasted with sheer netting. Beige, brown, and gold brightened up the dull greys and blacks dominant in the collection – proving that the days of choosing either black or brown tones with an ensemble are long gone.
Lots of statement jewelry complemented these stunning outfits, from layered chain necklaces to jeweled veils. The simplicity of the designs allows for heavy accents such as cuff jewelry, but the intricately matched fabrics and careful patterns profess beauty all on their own.
This gold tunic and semi-sheer legging ensemble is casual, but definitely regal enough to wear to an evening party or wedding event. The striped embroidery is elegantly understated, and the puffed net sleeve adds more fun asymmetry to the outfit. I love the idea of highlighting a formal outfit with a bold statement necklace like this one. And the mismatched shoes are a surprisingly pleasant addition to the look!
Black and gold is a timeless combination – fit for a strong women who doesn’t want any bright colors or flair to distract from her natural look. Here, a floor-length evening gown is played up with a beautiful jewelled gold cape. The close chains are reminscent of armor, thus fitting in perfectly with Vasundhara’s brave and beautiful warrior theme. A cape like this can go with any neutral colored top or dress – it would be a valuable asset to any fashionista’s closet.
This asymmetric gold gown is really defined by its intricate patterns: from netted stripes on the bottom to a series of checks near the collar. It’s simple, elegant, and very versatile – a gown like this is a great reception outfit for an outdoor wedding and also a casual dress for beach or garden parties. Again, the use of a bold statement necklace complements the look with some much-needed shine – but the spiked belt really steals the show. It looks like a handy weapon a warrior might make use of, but us modern-day fabulous women can probably opt out of it for a more toned down look.
Today’s runway shows focused on the magic of fabrics and the beauty of mixing and matching different textures. Vasundhara goes all out with this flowy dress, appropriate for summer or resort wear. The satiny beige contrasts so perfectly with the thicker black and white fabrics – and you can see a hint of gold jute floating at the back of the dress too. The combination is effortlessly chic, but it’s clearly an outfit that took a lot of time to construct. A drooping chain belt and cuff earrings are icing on top of the cake, adding some stability and shine to the free-flowing outfit.
The show concluded with this beautiful Indian-style choli and chain blouse ensemble. The skirt itself could draw some stares, but Vasundhara doesn’t let just one statement piece define her outfit – the jewelled chain drapings over the simple black blouse are just as showstopping. The outfit is fit for a regal bride indeed.
The choli is gorgeously styled with contrasting textures like silky net and thick jute, and the use of gold and white blended together keeps these otherwise loud patterns fairly muted. The chains and beading continue on the skirt too, adding volume and flow to the final look. I love the jewelry here: a pretty gold tikka and polki diamond choker seem like they might be too much for the outfit – but they’re just right.
Overall, Vasundhara’s Yaygaseni collection is just what every empowered woman needs this spring/summer: a reason to show herself off. Pairing simple neutrals with bold statement jewelry is a winning combination and a timeless style that any woman can use to look and feel like a beautiful warrior.
Check out our other Lakme Fashion Week 2015 coverage, such as Manish Malhotra’s WEvolve Blue Collection, Sabyasachi’s Wallpaper Collection, and The Best of Day 1.